Weekly Message
The Most Wonderful Gift Ever
“But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.” John 1:12 (ESV)
“I tell them, ‘There are many opportunities to be kind in this job. If you are in an older person’s home and they happen to have a beautiful rose garden, tell them that; and if you see a lemonade stand, don’t be afraid to buy some lemonade. You don’t have to drink it’,” said the Sheriff, with a laugh. “But Policeman Zach Ropos went and out bested me.” The Sheriff is referring to an act of kindness from one of his deputies that touched the hearts of strangers around the world this summer. Deputy Ropos had, as he had been advised by the Sheriff, stopped at a child’s lemonade stand on a hot summer day. He asked the girl tending the stand what she planned to do with her hard-earned money. The 9-year-old, Gabrielle, told Ropos that her family had been having a difficult time financially, and she hoped to save up enough of her own money to buy an iPad. She wanted to play games on it and use it to access the internet for schoolwork. Ropos went home immediately after his shift to look for an older iPad, one that he no longer used. When he went to turn it on, he realized it didn’t work. And so, Ropos bought Gabrielle a new iPad of her very own. He delivered it to her in this now famous photo that has been seen more than one million times, according to the Lake County Sheriff’s Office. “I really didn’t want all the media attention. I just wanted to see the smile on a little girl’s face and that was worth a million dollars to me.” said Ropos.
The Christmas season is a time we focus on giving gifts and doing good to others, but I want to give like God all year long. That starts by focusing on the way He gives. It's an overflow of His character and an example of how He calls us to share what we have with others. God gives lovingly. (Exodus 34:6)
God gives freely. (James 1:17)
God gives abundantly. (Psalm 132:15)
God gives wisely. (Romans 16:27)
As you're running errands, look to see who you can bless with a kind word or a cup of tea. As you're putting up your decorations, think about whose home you could bring happiness to. And as you pause during your day, remember who you can give the gift of prayer and encouragement to. Let's all develop our giving gift by giving more like our savior Jesus Christ and by being a blessing to others!
Lord God, You are my example for how to give good gifts. Please give me Your heart to be generous and a blessing to others. Help me be mindful of the receiver and to give carefully to ensure my gift is a blessing. In Jesus' precious Name, Amen.