Weekly Message

    Our Amazing God - The Justice of God


    “I call to God, the Most High, to God who supplies my every need.” Psalms 57:2

    “It’s not fair”. Do you guys ever said those words? Perhaps you came home from school looking forward to watching your favorite show on TV and your mom says, “You can’t watch TV until you have finished your homework”. You probably say something like “Aw mom, that’s not fair! By the time I finish my homework my favorite show will be over!”. Usually when we say, “it’s not fair”. It usually means that something is not going our way or we want something that someone else has.

    In Matthew 20:1-15, Jesus gave us an example from a story of a land owner who was hiring men to work in his vineyard. He hired some of them early in the morning, some in the middle of the day, and some he hired just before quitting time. When it was time to pay the workers, he paid them all the same. The workers who were hired early in the morning cried out because they worked all day already and it totally unfair for you”. You know, many times we’re so quick to judge on something just like the workers did and blame on God without thinking ahead of the rules that actually been given or the good side itself that might actually waiting ahead for us. We always feel that it is not fair if it’s not going our way or when others do or get something better that You. Isn’t it?

    God is always fair. He is more than fair. Does God love us because we love him? Nope. We all know that we’re sinners and not even near perfect. But still, He love us and willing to give everything the best for us. The Bible even says because He Loved us so much, He sent his only Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins. That’s the only one that’s not fair.

    Prayer: Lord ,Thank you for loving us so much that You gave us Your love and grace, in spite of what we deserve. Amen


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